Well, ya'll, a lot has changed in the last week and a half.

First, I had a birthday. For those of you who don't know, I do look quite a bit younger than I am. Thankfully, this will work for me when I get old. I'm now all of 21, and as my dad kindly pointed out, I have lived 1/4 of my statistical life. What have I done in those 21 years? I have trusted God with my life and learned that 's the best decision I will ever make. I have painted my nails blue (don't worry, they'll be pink again by tomorrow). I have started a blog, though I'm not the best at keeping up with it. I have secured my third internship at the first company I had a big girl job at (that's right, I'm headed back to Riverwind this summer). I have fallen asleep on the Swim House couch during every movie we ever watched. I have discovered no matter where I go or what I do, I'll always be daddy's little girl. I have completed three years of college, which brings me to the next point.

I'm officially a senior. I will graduate in December from the school I dreamed of since I was a little girl. Thank you Daddy and Mom for enabling and encouraging me to chase my dreams.

My big is officially graduated. Caylee, I'm so excited for you. I will miss you soooo much next year, but I know God has big plans for you! Also, congrats to my twin, Stephanie, for graduating as well. I love you both!!!

Another change/cause for excitement - I got released (temporarily at least) from physical therapy!!! I'm so excited! I LOVED everyone at PT, but I'm not sad not to have to do it anymore... I still have exercises to do and I might have to return as my arm heals some more, but mostly I'm just so excited not to have to start out the summer in PT. Thanks to everyone at Newcastle and Stillwater who helped in my healing :)

Also, thank you Denise and Brenda! They brought goodies to physical therapy to celebrate birthdays (and found cause for a celebration almost every week, I think) and mine happened to be one of those. You two ladies are awesome!

Now on to blogging...

I realized after my last blog post that I went in a completely different direction than originally intended. I planned to blog about Idina Menzel's new EP, which has the song Defying Gravity on it. 

"I'm through accepting limits 'cause someone says they're so. Some things I cannot change, but 'till I try, I'll never know." How many times do we let people dictate what we are and are not capable of? I let people do that more times than I can count. Not things like following rules, because clearly that has to happen. But people telling you that you can't do something? Why can you not do it? Because you let one person (or group of people) influence your thoughts. Turn that around - make it an encouragement. One time, my dad told me I couldn't win Grand at county. At the time, it was true. He said if I won he would build me a half court basketball barn. I had awesome sheep, don't get me wrong. But I wasn't working. He said I couldn't win and it made me mad. I wanted to prove him wrong. Did the months of solid hard work pay off? Well, there is now a 40 x 40 barn hanging out behind the house... Maybe this isn't the best example, because I had the talent and the goods I just wasn't applying myself, but once Daddy tried to limit me, I wouldn't take no for an answer. Don't let others create limits for you.

How has not accepting limits created an opportunity for you?

 "As someone told me lately, everyone deserves a chance to fly."
Shae Suzanne

Idina Menzel, Defying Gravity