What a week this has been! I'll give the condensed version, because the long one might take a year!

Freeway was Thursday. My sorority gave out free water/pop, treats (brownies/etc.) and encouragement notes to the OSU campus, and it was such an encouragement to me. Seeing the campus smile at 8:30 a.m. because of a note saying "Happy Thursday!" and a free bottle of water was awesome. We also labeled the stuff with Bible verses, and I think the impact made on campus was greater than what I expected. Hearing people talk about the verses, read their note over and over and get excited about free stuff (OK, we're in college and that's normal) was awesome. I think God used Phi Lamb in an incredible way to reach OSU.

My friend Sarah, who happens to be a huge KU fan, came up Friday. Before hitting Bad Brad's with Caylee, we decided to go shoe shopping. I never thought I would own a pair of Tom's. First, they are flats. Second, I am short. Those two things don't mix. However, since this whole knee thing has me out of anything with the tiniest heel, I needed some new shoes. My poor zebra shoes are falling apart (read: daddy, buy me new ones! (-; ). Before our little excursion was over, I was the proud owner of a pair of sparkly Tom's. Not only do they look cute, but they help a kid who needs a pair. If you only get them for that reason, do it. But you'll like your shoes too... I didn't even have to break mine in!

Sarah also took the chance to break in my new guitar, which I haven't got to learn thanks to my cast/brace/healing. I will be learning to play as soon as I get healed. We decided to start a band. So expect something. Sometime...hopefully :) But really, it was cool singing and thinking about the songs we played when leading worship in high school, and the impact those songs had on our lives and walk with God.

Possibly my favorite part of Saturday was...beating Kansas and rushing the court!! It is something I have always wanted to do (court, not KU). While it might not have been the smartest idea to run onto the court with hundreds of other students while wearing a knee and wrist brace, I did it. And I loved every second of it. I am so proud of the OSU team, and having the chance to celebrate with all the other sweaty students just made victory that much sweeter. My friends and I got separated, but I figured out singing the alma mater can bring together anyone... None of the people singing around me knew each other. KU, good luck at the national title run, I pick you over the other top teams!

I'm still holding tight to Jeremiah 29:11. Sometimes, I need encouragement in order to do so. Encourage someone. You'd be surprised how much you get out of it.

-Shae Suzanne

A few of the songs we played in our high-school worship-leadin' days:
The Heart of Worship, How Great is Our God and Marvelous Light.
Over the weekend, my cousin and close friend Katie got engaged! I am so excited for her and Jared!

Thinking about Katie's engagement made me reflect on a big promise God has made to us...

One of my very favorite verses in the Bible is Jeremiah 29:11. It reads: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (New International Version)

I often worry about things...one of those being my future. I will graduate in December. To be exact, I graduate 297 days from now. I have no idea what I will do. I am just a 20 year old filled with dreams.

I also have a habit of pretending I'm OK with not knowing what I'm going to do. I am getting good at offering a variety of answers to the dreaded question: "What are you going to do when you grow up?" 
*Note...I do not consider myself, at 20, to be a grown up yet. If you still sit at the kids' table at family gatherings and get Christmas presents from all the Greats, you aren't a grown up, in my opinion. I have no problem with this.

Instead of fretting about the answer to this question (grad school? big girl job? chase crazy dreams? run to daddy crying?), I have recently begun to cling to Jeremiah 29:11. The verse doesn't give me the option to do nothing and just wait for God to dump something in my lap, but it encourages me knowing that God, who designs the coolest things, has big plans for me. He knows what my future holds. 

I have hope for my future. I know it will be bright. I know God is going to do something awesome, because He always does. I know as long as I keep growing in God and doing the things I am passionate about, I will be OK.

I don't worry about knowing what tomorrow holds, I know the One that holds tomorrow.


Music: Brandon Heath is one of my favorite artists at the moment. My top two most played songs this week have been  Wait & See and London.  Lady Antebellum's new CD, Need You Now, recently came out. I recommend I Was Here.
How 'bout them Cowboys?!
I must say, they played an awesome game today! While I enjoy every aspect of OSU basketball, I must say, the part that captured my heart today was probably not televised: James Anderson singing the alma matter with two little girls. It was the cutest thing I have seen in a while. Since I'm no sportswriter, I won't get into all the game details. If you'd like a rundown, I recommend reading John Helsley's article on the NewsOK website. If you'd like my very opinion about the game or my thoughts on fans, contact me. I'm so proud to be a Cowboy fan!
On Friday, thanks to my aunt, my big & I went to the Eli Young Band show at Riverwind Casino. I have been an EYB fan for quite a while, and getting to see & meet them last night was quite a treat! It was also great to catch up with some friends from my time at Riverwind! Caylee & I had a great time, even if it did mean getting back home at 1 a.m. 
Between being sick and having tests, I didn't do too much else this week. My neighbors have finally decided either to be quiet or take their noise elsewhere (thankfully!!), which means bedtime for me! Pray I get over this sickness...and that I haven't passed it to too many people :) Have a great week!


Check out Eli Young Band's song Guinevere - one of my favorite EYB songs! 
Bedlam photos at NewsOK.
I don't have much time, but since I slacked for a week, I figured I'd best check in...
This week will be crazy & prayers are needed! I have two tests, and being a little out of test-taking mode, I'm a little nervous! So, I pre-apologize for my blog and/or Twitter being neglected! I'll get back on things soon!

Yesterday I had the incredible opportunity to meet the bands Caleb, Kutless & Casting Crowns, as well as go to the Until the Whole World Hears OKC show! Let me tell you, meeting Caleb Chapman was a dream come true!! I think his music is absolutely incredible and the only thing that could have made it any better was meeting SCC at the same time! :) Also, meeting Mark Hall & the rest of Casting Crowns was amazing, it's not every day you get to meet someone who has written so many of the songs you listen to every single day! I kind of (oops) forgot Kutless was going to be there until the night of the show, but I was so excited when I remembered. During the meet & greet, I found out Jon Micah, lead singer of Kutless, broke the same bone on the same arm as I did! He was such an encouragement even when telling me of his three surgeries. Every one of the men and women I met last night shone with God's light. They were so compassionate and made you feel like they truly wanted to meet you. I understand it was a meet & greet and that's kind of what's supposed to happen, but they all went above and beyond when showing Christ's love. They were in no hurry, and took time to talk to every single person in the room, sign autographs and give hugs.

After the meet & greet was over, the show began, but it was so much different than many concerts you'll go to. It wasn't just a show. It was praise, it was sincere, and above all, it was an invitation to worship God. The people I met in the meet & greet didn't change just because they were on stage. The concert wasn't a show about them, it was a show for God. I'll take that any day over the garbage on TV, the meaningless music that fills various playlists, and the concerts I attend and forget weeks later. I was challenged, not just by music, but by the truth spoken. If the Until the Whole World Hears comes to your city, GO! It's not a waste of time or money. Your world will be rocked and your life will be changed by the music and words. 


Check out tour dates here: Until the Whole World Hears Tour dates
Visit the bands online: CALEB, Kutless, Casting Crowns